Supercharge your fan experience

Rewards For Fans

been there, done that (got the t-shirt NFT)

Powered by RFNFT® Technology

Imagine your favourite band T-Shirt could hold a ticket which gives access through the door to Gigs! Imagine that T-Shirt could also be sent the latest back-stage interviews from that Band or Exclusive Invites while you are sat at home!


verify attendance

Imagine you could securely verify a fan has attended an event


verify ownership

Imagine you could verify someone truly owns a IRL asset or digital asset

Let the NFT be the Key

token gating

Imagine a digital asset could give its owner access to exclusive content or exclusive discounts.

Token Gating built for Shopify, WordPress, Wix & Squarespace to name a few

Just for you

targeted rewards

Exclusive interviews, Exclusive offers & Unlockable content direct to Fans

Are we Twins?

metaverse twins

A whole new world on a global scale! You can create replicates of your physical merch in the metaverse

I was there! I got the 'NF-T-Shirt

IRL minting

Imagine a fan could be gifted a unique digital gift which is only claimable by attending a gig or on a specific day or time!

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